Immediate, Effective and PainFree Local Anesthesia
No more waiting for pulpal anesthesia.
Pain Free Dentistry
Immediate Onset Local Anesthesia
The QuickSleeper5 delivers your LA right to the tooth and it garauntees immediate onset of pulpal anesthesia every time. Even with those difficult symptomatic lower molar cases. No more waiting 10 to 20 minutes for your freezing to start.
Pain Free Post Ops
Say Goodbye to painful PDL injections
Delivering LA into trabeculated and cancellous bone provides a pain free experience for the patient during and post operatively.
Pain Free Dentistry
Precision and Comfort with the Pen Grip
The QuickSleeper offers a pen grip which is a leap of comfort and precision in comparison to the traditional syringe. The QuickSleeper works for all areas of the mouth and all kinds of dentistry including restorative, pediatric, endodontic and oral surgery.
Pain Free Dentistry
Differentiate your Practice with Better and Modern Numbing
Patients do not see a syringe when dentists use the QuickSleeper, they experience no pain and anxiety with the QuickSleeper. This becomes an excellent marketing tool for dentists looking to provide better dentistry to their patients.
Pain Free Dentistry
Easy, Consistent and Effective Intra-Osseous LA.
Deliver pain free dental injections with easy Intra-Osseous local anesthesia in all sites of the mouth.